new whale number one
new whale number one
We Deliver Awesome
First to get an intelligence agency ISO 9001 certified
First to get an organization in DOD ISO 20000 (IT best practices, ITIL) certified
First in the nation to get an organization certified in ISO 9001, ISO 2000, and ISO 27000 certifications simultaneously -public or private
3 Time Winner, “Best Process Improvement Team in America” by USA Today/ RIT
Winner, “Best Example of Readiness Impact” improvement team for the entire US Navy
5 Time Winner, “ Best Process Improvement Team” in the US Air Force
Undefeated in getting companies certified , the first time, with no Major Findings…222-0
Taught over 300 Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, Green Belt, and Yellow Belt classes
A “preferred vendor" for the SBA/PTAP Mentor protégée program
Experts in our field:
–Presenters and World ISO and Six Sigma conferences
–Judge for International Team Quality Awards