new whale number one

new whale number one
S p e c t r u m O f
L E A N S i x S i g m a R o l e s

Deployment Champion: Executive who leads Lean Six Sigma program deployment and ensure alignment with corporate strategy.
Champions: Champion-trained business leaders who lead the deployment of Lean Six Sigma in their business unit
Process Owners: Managers who are directly
responsible for a process. They own the financial
results and must sustain improvements.
Master Black Belts:Fully-trained quality leaders
responsible for Lean Six Sigma strategy, training,
mentoring, deployment and results.
Black Belts: Fully-trained LeanSix Sigma experts
who lead improvement teams, workprojects across
the enterprise and mentor GreenBelts.
Green Belts: Trained individuals who apply Lean Six Sigma skills to projects in
their job areas.
Team Members: Individuals who receive focused Lean Six Sigma training and support
projects intheir areas.
Services ISO W LEAN Six Sigma Business Performance Management Training
LEAN Six Sigma Courses Spectrum of LEAN Six Sigma Roles